The Unpredictable Livecast!

Two years ago the friends Cecilia and Tone started to record their bi-weekly catch-up conversations and broadcast them on YouTube and Facebook. With no specific agenda, the long-time friends had no borders on what could be discussed. Tone sitting in Sweden and Cecilia in Texas made their worlds completely different yet so much alike.
A year ago the show was joined by Tone’s new husband William. It would turn out that William was a perfect fit for the show bringing a male perspective on the topics!

The concept will be the same, completely unpredictable. But the show will be joining Harlequin Podcast in January 2024, changing both the name and language into English.

The gang is always planning on getting together every other Sunday afternoon but you just don’t know. Cecilia is also a Realtor and she may have to show houses. Tone has animals, and they are always very unpredictable. You will simply find out on Facebook and YouTube! And when you see them, don’t hesitate to join, either write in the comments or call into the show!

The first show is planned to broadcast on January 14th!


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