Category: Updates

  • New  Guest Form

    New Guest Form

    To make it a little easier for you, we have changed the guest sign-up form to a Google form. If you are interested in being a guest on the show, please fill it out. You can find it here: If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email…

  • We’re In The Paper!

    We’re In The Paper!

    Thank you Terrell Tribune and the Terrell Chamber Of Commerce for putting this ad in the paper to celebrate our ribbon cutting last week! This is the first media appearance for Harlequin International, who is Harlequin Podcast’s owner. And thanks again to everyone who stopped by at our ribbon cutting! We had such an awesome…

  • Proud Members!

    Proud Members!

    One of our goals for 2024 is to be more involved in the community. So our owner, Harlequin International, decided to joined not just one but two chamber of commerce’s! We are now proud members of both Terrell Chamber of Commerce and Wills Point Chamber of Commerce! So you will see both Harlequin Tea and…

  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    We have finally entered 2024! The year when we launch the Harlequin Podcast! First out is Small Business & Entrepreneur Podcast. It is scheduled to come out on January 15th. And I can guarantee that it will because we recorded it yesterday! Tori is an Visual artist who both paints, make jewelry and works with…

  • LinkedIn


    We are excited to tell that we are now on LinkedIn! Why not? That’s where all the professionals are, right? So we decided to start a page and hopefully will reach out to more guests all around the world. You can find us on so please go and follow us there if you have…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!

    Christmas is finally here… whether we want it or not. I remember clearly a moment in my childhood… my grandmother and I were driving home and she said to me; “enjoy life, the older you get, the faster time will go”. I was about 10 years old and I was laughing at her statement. I…

  • Welcome World!

    Welcome World!

    We are so excited to launch our two new podcasts Small Business & Entrepreneur Podcast and Expat Life in January and February next year! Both shows invites people from all over the world to join. It doesn’t matter in what corner of the world you are, we would love to hear your story! And if…

  • Welcome!


    Welcome to Harlequin Podcast’s new website! We are so excited to launch this project next year! On January 15th we launch our new Small Business & Entrepreneur Podcast A bi-weekly show with guests from all around the world to inspire other business owners and entrepreneurs. There are more projects in the process so stay tuned…